

Written by Bill Hickman | Aug 1, 2014 7:49:09 AM

Snapshot of AUGUST.

NOW - Aug. 10 // OFG EXHIBIT
If you're at the Ventura County Fair, be sure to check out a great example of an Ocean Friendly Garden at Ventura Growing Circles' interactive exhibit in the floriculture building. The OFG exhibit is apart of an eco-village installation.

Aug. 12, 6-8pm // GENERAL MEETING @ WAV (Working Artists Ventura) [175 S. Ventura Ave.]
Our general meeting this month will be the second Tuesday (instead of our usual first Tuesday) due to high traffic from the Ventura County Fair. We will be meeting in the courtyard of the WAV building. ALL are welcome to come!

Aug. 16, 8am-4pm // OFG WORKDAY @ Loma Vista Elementary School
This will be the last work date prior to kids returning to school. We will be building gabion benches (wire cages filled with stone or brick with solid top), constructing fences, constructing a bridge, removing nascent weeds.

To sign up, email us:
More information on the OFG Facebook:

Aug. 16, 9am-11pm // MONTHLY BEACH CLEANUP @ C St.
Come clean the beach with Surfrider! Make sure to bring sun protection, water and a smile! Meet on the Promenade by the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Look for the blue Surfrider tent & banner.

To sign up, email us:

Aug. 23, 11am-7pm // VENTURA COUNTY PRIDE FESTIVAL @ Promenade Park
We will be setting up our tent at the only LGBT event in Ventura. We are in need of volunteers to help table at the festival.

To sign up, email us:
More information at:

Learn how to save water in your landscape. We'll be touring Scott and Betsy's home to see how their landscape is transforming into an Ocean Friendly Garden (OFG) and how you can get involved.

We'll walk the neighborhood to observe OFG elements that direct and retain rainwater into the landscape while reducing runoff, with climate appropriate plants.

To sign up, email us:
For FULL DETAILS, check out our flier on the OFG Facebook: /VC.Surfrider.Ocean.Friendly.Gardens

Sneak peek into SEPTEMBER.

Sept. 4, 9-11am // AMGEN BEACH CLEANUP @ C St.
If you would like to participate whether it is volunteering or helping cleanup, email us at:

Sept. 13, 6-11pm // PINTS AGAINST PLASTIC @ The W Gallery
[494 E. Main St.]
It's that time of year again, the 4th annual Pints Against Plastic. Come join us for good Food, Music, Beer & a great cause!

We are still looking for raffle donations, please email us:
For more information visit the Chapter's Facebook event page: /venturasurfrider

$10 General Admission
$10 for PAP cup & drink ticket
$5 for all drink tickets thereafter

*People buying $10.00 Admission tickets at the Aloha Festival and at the Surfrider Conference will also get a free drink ticket.  They can then pay $5 for a PAP cup.