Kasimira Malec - February 23, 2016
On Saturday, February 20th, the Surfrider Foundation CSUCI Club teamed up with the California State parks to clean up Mandalay State Beach, also known as Oxnard Shores, in preparation for the Snowy Plover nesting season. This clean up was spearheaded by the CSUCI Surfrider Club President Kevin Piper and Vice President Rose Waller. The two strong willed leaders reached more than 16 volunteers to come out and support the cause including the club’s treasurer Eric Bidwell and other CSUCI students.
The hardworking crew picked up a total of 457 pounds of trash in just two hours! This cleared the path for the Snowy Plover, which is a threatened small shorebird. They can be found nesting along the shores during breeding season from March to September, but are threatened by human activity and pollution. Trash can contaminate nesting and humans can unknowingly crush eggs and disturb nests. Those working at California State Parks are providing a fencing around the area to protect the nest, while Surfrider made it habitable. Thanks to the hard work done by the club members and volunteers, the Snowy Plover will have a much easier and healthier time nesting this upcoming breeding season.