
Surfrider Election Time!

Written by Sadie Iverson | Oct 14, 2015 9:55:11 PM

As described in our recent email newsletters and on Facebook, it is time to elect new members to our chapter executive committee (EC). Four of our current 7-person EC have reached the end of their two-year terms.

Nominations were taken at the October 6 meeting, but it is not too late to throw your (or your friend's) hat into the ring. Email any (or all) of the chapter contacts listed on the right-hand side of this webpage with your nomination. Nominees must be Surfrider members in good standing (i.e. their membership is paid for this year) who are active in the chapter.

For more information, refer to this post on EC elections.

Date: November 3, 2015 (1st Tuesday of the month)
Time: 6 to 8 p.m.
Place: Social Tap
1105 S Seaward Ave, Ventura, CA 93001
All local Surfrider members may participate in the election!