
Top Ten Reasons to Attend Pints Against Plastics

Written by Sadie Iverson | Sep 13, 2014 6:06:37 AM


It's here! The 4th Annual Pints Against Plastics is tomorrow, Saturday September 14th, starting at 6 p.m.!

Consider these 10 reasons you've just got to be there:

Two Lincolns! Ten Washingtons! Or a single Hamilton!


10. It's only $10 to get in!








Pints from the previous three events. From left to right: 2012, 2013, 2011


9. You'll have the chance to get the latest Pints Against Plastics collectible drinkware!






Virtual balloons are the only kind environmental activists release.


8. It's the Surfrider Foundation's 30th anniversary! You don't want to miss this dirty thirty!





Appropriate attire for any of the day's events



7. What better way to end the day after the CA/HI Chapter Conference or the Aloha Beach Festival/C-Street Longboard Classic?





Artist's conception of You at Pints Against Plastics


6. Great music!
5. Great food and drink!





Psst...I'm here for the party. Admin sent me.


4. I, personally, will be happy to see you there!






Whatever your primary concern about the ocean is, you're not alone!


3. You might meet a Surfrider activist from another chapter that shares your particular ocean-related interest!






Keeping Bag Monsters and other plastics out of our surf!


2. You'll be putting money directly into litter prevention for Ventura County beaches and rivers via the Surfrider Ventura County Rise Above Plastics Campaign!








1. It'll be a really fun party–and it will be more fun with YOU there!


When: Saturday, September 13, 2014

6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Where: The "W" 

494 E. Main Street, Ventura, CA