The Ventura County Chapter has three distinct beach cleanup programs throughout the County. We hope you will be able to join us.
Ormond provides important nesting habitat for endangered bird populations, but is constantly plagued by the trash influx from City of Oxnard drains and illegal dumping. We remove hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds of trash when we host events here!
Respect the Rincon Parkway (RRP) fills in the gap for County beach maintenance along the 14 mile stretch of Hwy 1 in north Ventura County known at the "Queen of the Coast." This corner of coastline is a multi-use recreational area for day use and overnight camping, but needs volunteers to maintain this marine wildlife corridor. Sign up for our second Saturday of the month group beach clean up or do solo volunteer cigarette butt maintenance to address the impact of cigarette butt pollution.
Each month, we gather at this scenic location for our group cleanup and remove over 100 pounds of trash and over 2,000 cigarette butts. Bring your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to this fun, family-friendly event.
The great thing about beach cleanups is that you can organize your own at any time. Want some tips and tricks? See what we recommend for a solo cleanup
Through consistent outreach and programming across various cleanup sites, Surfrider Ventura County achieved record volunteer engagement and trash collection, effectively combating local beach pollution in 2023. Check out our 2023 Beach Cleanup—Year In Review Report to learn more.